Kamis, 04 Juni 2015



I, Gloria Poole,RN, artist, residing in Missouri but born in state of Georgia, USA, am continuing my push to get a personhood amendment added to the U S Constitution. Every state in the country has a personhood chapter now and the momentum is gathering heft as it rolls across the nation. The 14th amendment already gives "persons" certain guarantees including the right to life in the 14th Amendment and I quote it: "Amendment XIV Section 1.
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
All must read of the news from Iowa because it is excellent definition of personhood : http://www.theiowastatesman.com/1833/new-personhood-bill-offered-in-senate. Quote : Iowa's pending bill : "The new definition of “person” under Senate File 478 would be “an individual human being without regard to age of development, from the moment of conception, when the zygote is formed, until natural death. "And it amends the state code to make no allowances for abortion. Thanks to these sponsors of it : "The proposed legislation is sponsored by state Sens. Jason Schultz (R-Schleswig), Rick Bertrand (R-Sioux City), Bill Anderson (R-Pierson), Jerry Behn (R-Boone), Brad Zaun (R-Urbandale), Mark Segebart (R-Vail), Amy Sinclair (R-Allerton), and Randy Feenstra (R-Hull)."
Read more at http://www.theiowastatesman.com/1833/new-personhood-bill-offered-in-senateRead more at http://www.theiowastatesman.com/1833/new-personhood-bill-offered-in-senate
From http://personhood.org/index.php/policy/587-human-life-review-features-personhood-alliance-vp, quote : "Gualberto Garcia Jones is the National Policy Director for the Personhood Alliance and the Executive Director of the International Human Rights Group. He is a graduate of the George Washington University Law School and the University of Wisconsin in Madison."
Quote: "Dr. Jerome Lejeune, a French pediatrician and geneticist known as the “Father of Modern Genetics”, firmly stated, "After fertilization has taken place a new human being has come into being. It is no longer a matter of taste or opinion…it is plain experimental evidence. Each zygote has a very neat and unique beginning, at conception". As he concludes, Dr. Lejeune believes that personhood begins at conception. Dr. Legeune was well known to the fetal personhood conversation because of his strong stance in conjunction with the Pro-Life group."https://storify.com/eriknelson/fetal-personhood
I am a Registered Nurse and worked in that role for years in a variety of positions including Administrative Supervisor of a trauma-designated hospital and Medical Peer Review, and the operating room. I have a very good upclose and personal knowledge of how cesarian sections are performed because I scrubbed on them. I have a very good knowledge of how bona-fide medical doctors who are surgeons feel about abortionists because I asked them, observed them, noticed their distaste of the whole subject. I write many of the blogs I write/ created/ maintain/own as Registered Nurse with its accompanying knowledge and education and experience. This blog post is one of those. It is way past time for the U S Congress to include the humans in the womb in the legal status as "persons" thus bringing them under the safety "umbrella" of the rights guaranteed by the U S Constitution and its Amendments including the 14th Amendment.
For those readers who have no scientific knowledge, college core classes or any sort of education on the topic of the human in the womb, I am providing a list of medical references that you can use to educate yourself.

Medical textbooks:  1) Early Pregnancy
2) Fetal Therapy
by Mark Kilby,Anthony Johnson,Dick Oepkes
3) Obstetrics & Intrapartum Emergencies
by Edward Chandrahara,& Sabaratnam Arulkumaran
4) Analgesia,Anesthesia & Pregnancy
by Steve Yentis & Surbhi Malhotra
5) Pregnancy after Assisted Reproductive Technology
by Eric Jauniaux & Botros Rizk
6) Atlas of Oocytes, Zygotes & Embryoes in Reproductive Medicine
 by Marc Van den Bergh & Thomas Ebner, & Kay Elder
7) Infertility Counseling
by Sharon Covington & Linda Hammer Burns
8) Ectopic Pregnancy
by Isabel Stabile
9) Gametes
by J.G. Grudzinskas & J.L. Yovich
10) GenEthics
by Kurt Bayertz & Susan L Kirkby, & H Tristam Englehardt,Jr
11) Prenatal Care
by Marie McCormick & Joanne Siegel
12) Ethical issues in Maternal -Fetal Medicine
by Donna Dickenson
13) Preterm Labour
by Jane Norman & Ian Greer
14) The Fetal Matrix
by Peter Gluckman & Mark Hanson
15) Environmental impacts on Reproductive Health & Fertility
by Tracey Woodruff, Sarah Janssen,Louis Guillette,Jr, & Linda Giudice
16) Biology & Pathology of the Oocyte
by Alan O Trounson & Roger G Gosden
17) Biology & Pathology of the Trophoblast
byAshley Moffett, Charlie  Lake & Anne McLaren
18) The Sperm Cell
by Christopher J De Jonge & Christopher Bartlett
19) Infertility & Assisted Reproduction
by R Botros, m B Rizk, Juan Garcia_-Velasco,Hassan Sallam & Antonis Makrigiannakis
20) The Healthy Embryo
by Jeff Nisker, Francoise Baylis, Isabel Karpin,Carolyn McLeod, Roxanne Mykitiuk
21) Gametes--The Oocyte
by J. G. Grudzinskas & J.L. Yovich
22) Textbook of Clinical Embryology
by Kevin Cpward & Dagan Wells
23) Handbook of Human Oocyte Cryopreservation by Eleonora Porcu & Patrizia Ciottis, & Stefano Venturoli
24) Neonatalogy
by Richard A Polin & John M Lorenz
25) Handbook of Obstetric Medicine
by Catherine nelson-Piercy
26) High Risk Pregnancy--Management Options
by Phillip J Steer, Carl Weiner, Bernard Gonik, Caroline Crowther, & Stephanie Robson
27) Dewhurst's Textbook of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
by Keith Edmunds
plus many,many more.
Some  of my teaching sites of mine, that include information I learned as Registered Nurse  and or teach as R.N.:
https://sites.google.com/site/ArtistIllustrations/; my pencil drawings of stages of human development in womb
And my other #prolife #personhood blogs that are each unique created one by one by me to educate on the many issues are:
Ownership of blog and Copyright information:

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