Kamis, 04 Juni 2015

Being Seen

February 18, 2011

Papua New Guinea is home to the extraordinary Birds of Paradise. They are endowed with some of the most breath-taking plumage in the world– this, when being a bird is already highly ranked on the beauty scale. All this pulchritude adds to the courtship dance performed by the males. The routines themselves are a wonderful sight. Sometimes they attract an audience of one or more females, but there’s no guarantee any will accept a mate, despite his choreography. Girls often arrive, enjoy the show, then leave. Also, many graceful moves executed by Birds of Paradise go unnoticed on the ground of a forest floor every day. The intrepid bird rarely gives up. No one today; he tries again tomorrow. What strikes me about these dedicated rituals is not just the lovely display, but the care taken to “put it out there,” regardless of outcome.

There are more artists than galleries, or exhibition opportunities to accommodate everyone ready to share their work. The same is true for other art disciplines as well. An intimate, private showing for family and friends is sufficient for some artists. This kind of legacy enriches loved ones by the influence of creative energy in different aspects of their lives– from innovative problem-solving, to an appreciation of aesthetics that will determine choices in areas such as environment, relationships, and values. It may even inspire children to pursue further in a field where a parent or family member was content to remain with little or no professional ambition.

Most artists want their work accessible to the public as well. Being seen is a natural objective for the visual artist. Without it, there’s unfinished business, especially where a project, or art completed within a series is concerned. Exhibitions formally launch work past our own sole knowledge of its existence, by offering to others what we have to give. There’s also a fundamental need to initiate the next round of endeavor by opening room and space (sometimes literally), for the creative process to resume. I paint in theme cycles; feel restless until previous work has had decent exposure. This includes at least one solo show. Often though, my gallery submissions and funding applications return declined. When that happens, goals change. I forget about galleries, juries and other peoples’ validation. Sales, recognition, approbation, grants, awards and prizes, although nice– become irrelevant. Even my career as an artist, thins next to a stark fact: if I don’t get the work up, I’ll go nuts.

No one is obliged to remain loyal to their failures. It’s great when others free up our time by taking care of art business, especially if they’re reliable and trustworthy. But if that’s not available, artists need to explore other options with the same imagination and resourcefulness normally applied to their craft. This means considering among other things, non-traditional, alternative exhibition venues. Affordable rental space, storefront windows, garage tours, laundromats, projection sites– basically anywhere with walls in a good location. The organization of one’s own show can be a time-consuming, labour intensive expense. The benefit though, is autonomy, the self-reliance induced from experience should the need arise again. I’d rather not have to do it, but I can provide for myself when no offers are forthcoming.

Whether it’s a conventional gallery or I mount the show myself, nothing prevents a post-exhibition melancholy after that first solo show ends. Partly, it’s the discrepancy between the years spent towards building a show– compared to the meager 2-3 weeks run of display. Mostly, it’s the sense of having officially released the work, even if it doesn’t sell. Rejection is a given in any artist’s life. But what’s worse is indifference. A devil whispers that no one cared whether the show was up or not; all this trouble generated little interest one way or another. When these thoughts arise, I’m encouraged by the persistence and endurance demonstrated by the Bird of Paradise. I don’t do anything nearly as unselfconsciously exquisite as his avian ballet. But the quality of his commitment each day, in spite of lapses in attendance, inspires me by way of delight. When a Bird of Paradise dances, it’s as if he sends molecules of joy up into the atmosphere, which in turn, the plants and trees absorb– not to mention the soil those molecules fall back down upon. I like to think that healthy forest canopies are just as ecologically sustained by these artistic expressions, as much as civilizations thrive from the collective efforts of their cultural workers.

Big Questions

February 12, 2012

In the past, I’ve taken all sorts of adult evening classes and belonged to groups outside the realm of art. They ranged anywhere from astrology to Basic Cantonese or swimming lessons. A few were also spiritual practices. At the beginning of each venture, facilitators would ask participants their reasons for enrollment– “Why are you here?” When that happened, I often panicked. Outside of a vague, general interest, I found it awkward to articulate a comprehensive reason. My statements usually began with an I-don’t-know, before mumbling something remotely plausible. What I eventually said wasn’t necessarily accurate so much as an impulse to hurry the question along to the next person so we could get going already with the business or activity at hand. Once in a while, I knew my purpose. “I’m here to learn tai chi because every time I bend down, my knees sound like twigs just snapped.”

Even original goals change or evolve with time. If they are unclear at first, sometimes the doing of a thing is what reveals intention or allows it to form. As an artist, the question that arises periodically is: “Why choose art?” Variations include: “How come you paint? What’s the point?” “Why are you an artist?” The questions don’t/have never stopped me from working. Nor have I been so obsessed with the lack of a good answer that I sank to the floor in tears believing that without one, I was a less than genuine artist. But visitors to a gallery and others have posed versions of this same question. It’s always a surprise to hear. Normally, I’d rather just concentrate on doing work.

It is worthwhile though, to at least have some response readily available– if only to hasten along the unwanted attentions of those who ask rhetorical questions. There is a difference when inquiries are made in connection to the art. An initial attraction to a body of work often piques a natural curiosity about the artist. When viewers want to know more about the incentive behind a work– what a practitioner is willing to share about their own unique process, often generates greater appreciation for their efforts. This may or may not include details regarding the current, primary motive for producing art. I do find it prudent however, to assess the quality or degree of engagement when such potent questions are asked by others. In my experience, even respectful, valid interest tends to be relatively brief compared to the times when an artist truly needs to examine for themselves, why they want(ed) to be painters, writers, dancers, or musicians etc. People ask: “Why are you an artist; why do you paint?” for reasons that vary from casual conversation, fascination, boredom, distraction, incredulity or concern for health and welfare. They ask out of politeness when they don’t know what else to say and have never interacted with an art species before. They quiz out of impatience for what they perceive as a difficult, fiscally challenged career. They ask because they want to know what it’s like to sustain a dream or because you both met in the laundry room. I’d rather not spill my guts out in most of these situations. Not every encounter with important questions warrants intimate disclosure. For some scenarios, it’d be wiser to just survive the exchange and protect one’s privacy by ensuring all viscera remain intact. When that’s the case, any answer–including a fake or outdated one– will do. It’s actually quite fun to try out or invent all kinds of possible response. The novelty and guilty pleasure of lying reduces the pressure of having to come up with a definitive answer, especially for artists who ultimately, don’t really care why they make art as long as they keep doing it. Surprisingly, I find that legitimate replies emerge of their own accord when I play around like this.

“I paint to continue a family tradition passed down through generations.”(I’m the only visual artist in my family)
“I’m an artist because I had so many dreams about swimming in David Hockney pools, the bed started to smell like chlorine.” (never happened)
“Making art is one way of being in the world.”(sounds familiar)

The truth is, artists have several reasons for choosing their profession, many of them deeply personal, complicated and sometimes painful. Perhaps that’s why part of me thinks few people have any real business asking such loaded questions– even when no harm or discourtesy was intended. There’s no doubt an unexpected query from a stranger or otherwise can challenge us to an honest, deeper exploration. Not all artists are shy about divulgence either; some engage comfortably in dialogue, regardless of content. But when artists need to investigate their own motives for creating art, usually it involves some form of soul-searching. The answers to “Why am I doing this?” provoke more questions for those who finally have to admit they make art for false reasons instead of their own, such as living out the agenda of a dead parent. This is not to say that heart-breaking or truthful answers should cease all production. Artists willing to consider Big Questions during crucial stages, give themselves a chance to accept, repair, adjust or celebrate where they are in their lives, and where they need or want to go next. Indeed, after discoveries are made, the question that frequently appears after ‘why do I make art?’ is ‘do I still want to continue?’

For the record, I make art because I can’t think of anything better I want to do with the time I have left on earth. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. For now.


is another christian cross of mine to remind all that I am a born again Christian woman and adhere to the Holy Bible especially the King James version of it, and including the commandments of GOD as written in Exodus chapter 20; and the words of JESUS as recorded in the New Testament.

As always this blog and all content on it belongs exclusively to me Gloria Poole, RN, artist of Missouri and I own all rights to it. I do not have a son, and I have only 2 grown daughters named Jennifer and Leigh who also have minor children of their own. Copyright notice 7 February 2015 at 12:36pm: This blog and all content, all words, all photos and all art on it were created and posted by me Gloria Poole , RN, artist of Missouri and Georgia. Usually I sign the art I create as simply Gloria since that is my first name I was born with; but on pencil drawings I often also sign my born with surname of Poole. I am also known on the web and in real life as Gloria Poole; Gloria J Poole; Gloria Poole, RN, artist; and on the web as : gloriapoole; gloria-poole; gloria.poole; Ms Gloria Poole; gloriapoole.RN; gloriapoole_RN; gloriapooleRN at yahoo; gloria0817; gpoole817; artist-gloriapoole; gloriapoole-paintings; artist-gloria; Poole,Gloria; gloriapoole1749; and other variations of my real, born with, and legal name of Gloria Poole. For the record, I am a white, twice divorced Christian woman and the mother of two grown daughters who are named Jennifer and Leigh. I am also a prolife activist, blogger, artist in all mediums; photographer for my own purposes, Registered Nurse with a license in Missouri but before that for most of my life in the state of Georgia, U.S. citizen born in the state of Georgia; University of Georgia alum, Georgia Baptist College of Nursing alum, writer, illustrator, author. This blog may not be downloaded, nor copied individually or collectively as a whole; nor have domains forwarded to it that do not belong to me, nor may the photos or art on it be reproduced or saved to disk by anyone . I create all content on this blog and I, Gloria Poole, own all rights to this blog collectively and individually as single posts. The telephones listed on this account belong to me and are in my apartment in Missouri or in my possession at all times. Some of my numbers are wired, landline telephones and some are mobile phones. This blog and all blogs that I create and that contain my words and or art and or photos that I create bel*og exclusively to me Gloria Poole, of Missouri and Georgia. Copyright. Gloria Poole /gloriapoole /gloria-poole /gloria.poole/ Ms Gloria Poole/ Poole Gloria at my own, private apt in Missouri which is not shared with anyone and neither is my equipment nor phones shared with anyone, and nether is my isp account shared with anyone. Gloria Poole, RN, artist; at my apt in Missouri on 25 March 2015 at 9:51am.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Personhood is the civil rights issue of this century and Tapestry of LIFE promotes it.

The topic of personhood status for the preborn humans is the number one issue of the upcoming elections. That it is way past time for it to become the top of the agenda for all Christian, Jewish, Muslim voters who believe in THE GOD of all, to rise to the challenge of shepherding it through Congress as a public law, is obvious to all prolife activists. The genocide of abortion has to end. It is better for it to end by act of Congress as it declares "legal personhood" on the humans in the womb, than through a civil war. But I think a civil war will come if Congress fails to give legal protection via the Constitution in the form of including preborn humans in the 14th Amendment since by definition humans in the womb are HUMAN. Let us examine the facts: 1) Medical science established that a new human being is created when the human male sperm enters the human female egg. That is documented in literally dozens of medical books, texts on anatomy and physiology, what academia calls the "hard sciences'. I published a list of medical references on another blog of mine at http://gloriapoole.livejournal.com and it is in the archived posts. Of course, any bona-fide medical library has hundreds of books on anatomy & physiology, obstetrics, neonatalogy, surgery in the womb, human reproduction human devlopment.
2) The law of the species is that each species reproduces only its own kind. That is my words of that law but that is the gist of it. In other words, a being created by a human man and a human woman is HUMAN, and cannot be anything but HUMAN.
3) Human cells of any sort have human DNA and human chromosones and they can be distinguished from any other species on earth by examining them under a microscope. Human gamete cells from the ovaries and testicles of humans are life giving cells and they are very much alive and they swim through the tubes of men and women to accomplish their predetermined task of creating a new human. Human sperm [or any sperm for that matter] do not just sit there in the ejaculate of the male. They are alive and they swim to their destiny to find the female egg and penetrate it to create a new human being at the split second the sperm enters the egg. And that is obvious because from that split second in time the egg changes rapidly, closes in around te sperm, starts dividing itself to create new cells and expanding itself very very quickly into a ball of cells then it implants itself, [nestles down into the lining of the uterus of the woman] and continues its multiplication and development. I drew some pencil sketches of a few of the stages of human development years ago, and I re-posted them to a site of mine : https://sites.google.com/site/ArtistIllustrations, with my hand-written notes on the pages explaining what they are. You may have to deepen your contrast to see them well because they are in pencil. Humans do not become human at some point in time. They are HUMAN from the moment the human sperm enters the human egg and the two merge.
4) The premeditated destruction of human life is forbidden by GOD HIMSELF in Exodus 20:13, as written "thou shalt not kill" in Exodus 20:13, KJV, and by JESUS who said, "even so, it is not the will of your FATHER [GOD] in heaven that one of these little ones should perish. " Matthew 18:14, KJV.
5) GOD HIMSELF warned that HE avenges innocent human blood in many verses in Bible, and one of the most compelling of those verses is from Genesis 9:6, KJV, as written, "whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of GOD, made HE [GOD] man. "
6) The premeditated destruction of humans in the womb is commonly called abortion by people without medical knowledge. However, that is almost never the term used in operating rooms or abortuaries. The coding terms were changed decades ago to conceal the numbers of killed babies. In operating room paperwork it is labeled "elective termination of pregnancy"; or "evacuation of uterine contents"; or "intrauterine dilatation and curettage" or "removal of products of conception", depending upon whoever is filling in the paperwork. Abortionists using real operating rooms realized decades ago that if they labeled on paperwork that it was an elective abortion, they would get no help with their task of killing from bona-fide professionals. So, they lie to trick them.
7) The techniques of propaganda have been fine tuned by groups that kill for centuries. When it was a so-called "right" to kill a black person, they called it asserting control over their property. When it was a so-called right to kill Jews they called it "the appropriate treatment for their condition". When it was a so-called right to kill Indians and force them onto small reservations as outcasts, it was labeled "protecting the U S from indigenous people" or something similar. Since Roe v Wade, they killers of the humans in womb label it "choice" and "women's rights". I am a woman and an educated woman at that, and I state emphatically that woen do not have any inherent right to kill their offspring. I also know that the scriptures address that topic in several passages including the book of Revelation.
8) The U S Constitution already gave "persons' the right to life in the 14th Amendment and I quote it: "Amendment XIV
Section 1.
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
GOOD lawyers realized at the time that it is the way to reverse Roe v Wade by declaring humans in the womb as "legal persons". I quote: "The State of Texas made this argument in Roe. Justice Harry Blackmun, who delivered the opinion of the court, responded to their argument by stating, “If this suggestion of personhood is established, the appellant’s case, of course, collapses, for the fetus’ right to life would then be guaranteed specifically by the Amendment.” And more from same article at http://cowgernation.com/2015/02/20/three-simple-reasons-to-outlaw-abortion/ :
with quote: "Whether via a Human Life Amendment to the US Constitution or a Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v. Wade, support for the banning of abortion has never been stronger. But should abortion really be outlawed? I’d like to present three simple reasons why it should. First, it ends a life. Second, it harms society. And finally, it violates fetal rights." And quote: "The State of Texas made this argument in Roe. Justice Harry Blackmun, who delivered the opinion of the court, responded to their argument by stating, “If this suggestion of personhood is established, the appellant’s case, of course, collapses, for the fetus’ right to life would then be guaranteed specifically by the Amendment.” And "But the Constitution does not confer upon the federal government a specifically enumerated power to grant or deny “personhood” under the Fourteenth Amendment. The power to recognize or deny unborn children as the holders of rights and duties would instead be “Reserved to the States respectively, or to the people,” according to the Tenth Amendment. The Roe opinion and other Supreme Court cases recognize this function of state sovereignty. At the time Roe was decided, almost all states held unborn children to be persons under state property, tort, and criminal law. As an effect of the unanimity of the states, the Fourteenth Amendment compels federal protection of unborn persons." and "As President George W. Bush declared, “The promises of our Declaration of Independence are not just for the strong, the independent, or the healthy. They are for everyone – including unborn children.”
9) All women who have ever been pregnant know beyond a shadow of doubt that the being inside them is growing constantly; and women are not as stupid as the killing group Planned Parenthood pretends they are. Some women are evil and know they are killing a separate human being in an abortion, and because they sold their soul to the devil they go over to the devil's side . Killing of innocents is not from GOD and was never from GOD. In the Bible, GOD warns not to kill repeatedly.
I, Gloria Poole, RN,artist of Missouri and Georgia, am publishing this post in support of #personhood amendment for all humans including those in the womb. I intend to keep pushing this idea for as long as it takes, and in every way possible. You may follow me on twitter via @ProlifeNurse and or @personhood1 or on my name twitter accounts of @gloriapoole or @gloria_poole or via my twitter accounts @Tartan_Bliss or @tweetie0817. I tend to categorize my tweets just as I categorize my blogs and websites.
You can read more of my #publichealth teachings on my https://gloriapoole-RN-artist.blogspot.com. Also, you should know that all telephones and or telephone numbers associated with this blog and any blog or site of mine and or account of mine belong to me Gloria Poole, RN, artist of and in Missouri, and are in my possession in Missouri at all times. Some are landline phones and some are cell phones.
I am adding in here symbols of me to make a visual to identify ownership of this blog.



I, Gloria Poole,RN, artist, residing in Missouri but born in state of Georgia, USA, am continuing my push to get a personhood amendment added to the U S Constitution. Every state in the country has a personhood chapter now and the momentum is gathering heft as it rolls across the nation. The 14th amendment already gives "persons" certain guarantees including the right to life in the 14th Amendment and I quote it: "Amendment XIV Section 1.
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
All must read of the news from Iowa because it is excellent definition of personhood : http://www.theiowastatesman.com/1833/new-personhood-bill-offered-in-senate. Quote : Iowa's pending bill : "The new definition of “person” under Senate File 478 would be “an individual human being without regard to age of development, from the moment of conception, when the zygote is formed, until natural death. "And it amends the state code to make no allowances for abortion. Thanks to these sponsors of it : "The proposed legislation is sponsored by state Sens. Jason Schultz (R-Schleswig), Rick Bertrand (R-Sioux City), Bill Anderson (R-Pierson), Jerry Behn (R-Boone), Brad Zaun (R-Urbandale), Mark Segebart (R-Vail), Amy Sinclair (R-Allerton), and Randy Feenstra (R-Hull)."
Read more at http://www.theiowastatesman.com/1833/new-personhood-bill-offered-in-senateRead more at http://www.theiowastatesman.com/1833/new-personhood-bill-offered-in-senate
From http://personhood.org/index.php/policy/587-human-life-review-features-personhood-alliance-vp, quote : "Gualberto Garcia Jones is the National Policy Director for the Personhood Alliance and the Executive Director of the International Human Rights Group. He is a graduate of the George Washington University Law School and the University of Wisconsin in Madison."
Quote: "Dr. Jerome Lejeune, a French pediatrician and geneticist known as the “Father of Modern Genetics”, firmly stated, "After fertilization has taken place a new human being has come into being. It is no longer a matter of taste or opinion…it is plain experimental evidence. Each zygote has a very neat and unique beginning, at conception". As he concludes, Dr. Lejeune believes that personhood begins at conception. Dr. Legeune was well known to the fetal personhood conversation because of his strong stance in conjunction with the Pro-Life group."https://storify.com/eriknelson/fetal-personhood
I am a Registered Nurse and worked in that role for years in a variety of positions including Administrative Supervisor of a trauma-designated hospital and Medical Peer Review, and the operating room. I have a very good upclose and personal knowledge of how cesarian sections are performed because I scrubbed on them. I have a very good knowledge of how bona-fide medical doctors who are surgeons feel about abortionists because I asked them, observed them, noticed their distaste of the whole subject. I write many of the blogs I write/ created/ maintain/own as Registered Nurse with its accompanying knowledge and education and experience. This blog post is one of those. It is way past time for the U S Congress to include the humans in the womb in the legal status as "persons" thus bringing them under the safety "umbrella" of the rights guaranteed by the U S Constitution and its Amendments including the 14th Amendment.
For those readers who have no scientific knowledge, college core classes or any sort of education on the topic of the human in the womb, I am providing a list of medical references that you can use to educate yourself.

Medical textbooks:  1) Early Pregnancy
2) Fetal Therapy
by Mark Kilby,Anthony Johnson,Dick Oepkes
3) Obstetrics & Intrapartum Emergencies
by Edward Chandrahara,& Sabaratnam Arulkumaran
4) Analgesia,Anesthesia & Pregnancy
by Steve Yentis & Surbhi Malhotra
5) Pregnancy after Assisted Reproductive Technology
by Eric Jauniaux & Botros Rizk
6) Atlas of Oocytes, Zygotes & Embryoes in Reproductive Medicine
 by Marc Van den Bergh & Thomas Ebner, & Kay Elder
7) Infertility Counseling
by Sharon Covington & Linda Hammer Burns
8) Ectopic Pregnancy
by Isabel Stabile
9) Gametes
by J.G. Grudzinskas & J.L. Yovich
10) GenEthics
by Kurt Bayertz & Susan L Kirkby, & H Tristam Englehardt,Jr
11) Prenatal Care
by Marie McCormick & Joanne Siegel
12) Ethical issues in Maternal -Fetal Medicine
by Donna Dickenson
13) Preterm Labour
by Jane Norman & Ian Greer
14) The Fetal Matrix
by Peter Gluckman & Mark Hanson
15) Environmental impacts on Reproductive Health & Fertility
by Tracey Woodruff, Sarah Janssen,Louis Guillette,Jr, & Linda Giudice
16) Biology & Pathology of the Oocyte
by Alan O Trounson & Roger G Gosden
17) Biology & Pathology of the Trophoblast
byAshley Moffett, Charlie  Lake & Anne McLaren
18) The Sperm Cell
by Christopher J De Jonge & Christopher Bartlett
19) Infertility & Assisted Reproduction
by R Botros, m B Rizk, Juan Garcia_-Velasco,Hassan Sallam & Antonis Makrigiannakis
20) The Healthy Embryo
by Jeff Nisker, Francoise Baylis, Isabel Karpin,Carolyn McLeod, Roxanne Mykitiuk
21) Gametes--The Oocyte
by J. G. Grudzinskas & J.L. Yovich
22) Textbook of Clinical Embryology
by Kevin Cpward & Dagan Wells
23) Handbook of Human Oocyte Cryopreservation by Eleonora Porcu & Patrizia Ciottis, & Stefano Venturoli
24) Neonatalogy
by Richard A Polin & John M Lorenz
25) Handbook of Obstetric Medicine
by Catherine nelson-Piercy
26) High Risk Pregnancy--Management Options
by Phillip J Steer, Carl Weiner, Bernard Gonik, Caroline Crowther, & Stephanie Robson
27) Dewhurst's Textbook of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
by Keith Edmunds
plus many,many more.
Some  of my teaching sites of mine, that include information I learned as Registered Nurse  and or teach as R.N.:
https://sites.google.com/site/ArtistIllustrations/; my pencil drawings of stages of human development in womb
And my other #prolife #personhood blogs that are each unique created one by one by me to educate on the many issues are:
Ownership of blog and Copyright information:

Saran Dan Solusi


